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OASA Courses

Discover anthroposophical disciplines via OASA's courses, emphasizing self-development through art, meditation, and leadership in six-week sessions. Engage in monthly Wisdom Working presentations and practitioner interviews for deeper insights, fostering experiential learning and connections.

We rely on donations to sustain our programs, encouraging contributions according to individual means. We suggest participants from Africa donate between R80 and R120 per session, and those from Europe contribute between 10 and 15 Euros. Your generous donations ensure the quality and accessibility of our programs globally. Thank you for your support

Please view the detailed course information below  

Nature Observation and Phenomenology

3 September - 8 October 2024

In this six-session module, we will explore the practice of Goethean observation which focuses on developing ways of looking that attempt to remain faithful to the object of observation while paying attention to the very activity of our looking.

Through a range of nature observation exercises, we will practice entering into a form of curious conversation with what we observe, learning to bring ourselves into dialogue in an engaged and receptive way. The exercises will include returning to a place (daily sit-spot), careful plant observation, drawing, writing and recall.

By practising, and paying attention to different ways of looking, we aim to develop capacities of seeing where through our curious and rigorous observation we remain open and receptive to what emerges, allowing the phenomenon of what we observe to be revealed.

Karma & Biography

A Journey Through Art and Self-Discovery

3 October - 7 November 2024

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Embark on a transformative journey with Karma & Biography, a unique workshop series led by art therapist Angela Katschke and psychodrama psychotherapist Mike Chase. Drawing inspiration from Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy, this free online series invites you to explore your personal biography through creative expression.


Over six 1.5-hour sessions, you’ll delve into your life’s narrative in seven-year phases, uncovering key moments and insights through your chosen art form. From 3 October to 7 November 2024, join us every Thursday for this enriching experience.


This is a unique opportunity to connect deeply with your life’s journey and gain new perspectives. Reserve your spot today

and start uncovering the story that shapes who you are!

Understanding Children with Special Needs

5 November - 10 December 2024

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All wisdom begins in wonder. Curative Education marks what was a ground-breaking collaboration between pedagogy and the medical world to understand special needs children.


This workshop, comprising six sessions over six weeks, aims to share experiences and build an enduring foundation for understanding children with special needs in our society. We will cover conditions such as autism, attention deficit disorder, spina bifida, hydrocephalus and Down Syndrome.


Expect interactive sessions suitable for all including teachers, caregivers, parents, siblings, therapists and all those working with a child with special needs. Case studies from Botswana Camphill and Mwanangu Special Waldorf School in Vikindu Tanzania.

Leadership Development as a Social Art

2 July - 6 August 2024

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This six-session module intends to reimagine classic forms of traditional management and leadership, suggesting leaderful engagement as an integral practice of all individuals striving to become the leaders they intend to be. This course aims to suggest that such leadership can be developed by every human being who is willing to embark on a journey of awakening to the emergent Self from the inside out. The instrument for such leadership is an ongoing practice of being and remaining in dialogue – with oneself, others, the community, and the world at large.

All are welcome to participate. No prior knowledge is required, just a curious, open mind.

Facilitated by Joan Sleigh & Robert Burnside

Inner Development through Contemplative Practice

Soul-spiritual Transformation and Development.

7 May - 11 June 2024

Inner Development 2

In this module of Inner Development through Contemplative Practice, we will focus on understanding the external and internal conditions for soul-spiritual transformation and development. With interactive exercises, we will explore how these practices might be integrated in daily life to enhance personal capacities. We will then expand these practices and insights and contemplate how these same conditions might enhance a professional culture within the community and society.  

In each of the six sessions, we will endeavour to embody different aspects of how we show up as individuals within the surrounding environment and in relationship to others. How might these two co-existent world in which we live enhance and/or hinder one another?

All are welcome to participate. No prior knowledge is required, just a curious, open mind. Facilitated by Lisa Romero and Joan Sleigh

Enhancing Society  Interview Series

9 April - 30 April 2024

Enhancing Society

A series of four interviews with expert practitioners working within various anthroposophically inspired fields of work. Interviews will take place weekly every Tuesday at 19:00 (CET) 

9 April

Richard Cox: Evolution and Holism

16 April

Lebogang Seitshiro – The Wisdom of Ubuntu, and our Interbeing Nature in the sustenance of Life

23 April 

Anne-Lise Buré – Embracing Freedom and Ubuntu

30 April 

Eefka Young – Transformative Storytelling

Introduction to Resource Mobilisation and Fundraising

12 March -  26 March 2024


Led by Angela Katschke, founder of Butterfly Art Project, this three-session workshop takes place over three weeks on Tuesdays. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about fundraising and business skills, map their resources, and give their project plans more shape.

Self Encounter-Developing

Biographical Agency and Painting Skills for Beginners and Professionals

22 February -  29 March 2024

Self Encounter

This six-session online course facilitated by Charles Jansen and Angela Katschke with lots of time for artistic exercising, grows your skills to dare paint a self-portrait. That process will bring an inner dialogue with your soul and physical self.

Observing yourself in a mirror is confronting and a great opportunity to face the outcomes of your biography. Experience self-development through art to develop biographical agency. Painting your self-portrait takes more time than the time we want to spend online. Make sure you block more me-time for your painting in the course of this module and the months to come. Of course, you can count on our support during this time in case you face unpredicted challenges. 

Inner  Development through Contemplative Practice

30 January -  5 March 2024

Inner Development 1

This course is an invitation to all participants to enter into an exploration of their own inner soul-space, through exercises, practices and contemplations suggested by Rudolf Steiner in his writings on Knowledge of the Higher Worlds. We will explore conditions of inner development such as attention and deep observation, reverence and veneration, tranquillity and perception, as well as gradual mastery of one’s thinking, feeling and volition.


All are welcome to participate. No prior knowledge is required, just a curious, open mind.


Facilitated by Lisa Romero and Joan Sleigh

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